EMDR Therapy

One of the Most Effective Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Endorsed by Leading Organizations

Phase 1: History and Treatment Planning

Your therapist will dive deep into your symptoms and health history, examining every detail to gain a profound understanding of where you stand in your treatment journey. At Authentic Rhythms Counseling, we believe in a comprehensive approach that leaves no stone unturned.

Phase 2: Preparation

Your therapist at Authentic Rhythms Counseling will guide you through a variety of empowering techniques to navigate emotional or psychological stress and uncomfortable feelings that may arise during treatment. 

Phase 3: Assessment

During the third phase of EMDR treatment, as the rhythmic journey continues, your therapist will gently guide you towards selecting a specific memory to focus on. Together, you will explore the intricate dimensions of that memory, uncovering the weight of intrusive thoughts or unwanted self-beliefs.

Phases 4–7: Treatment

Your therapist will expertly utilize EMDR therapy techniques to address your targeted memories, guiding you through four transformative stages.

  1. Desensitization: focus on negative thoughts
  2. Installation: replace unwanted self-belief with a positive one
  3. Body Scan: inquire about physical pain related to targeted memories
  4. Closure: evaluate progress and offer valuable coping strategies

Phase 8: Re-evaluation

During the re-evaluation phase at Authentic Rhythms Counseling, your therapist will compassionately explore the memories and emotions you addressed in the previous session. Together, we’ll determine if those memories still cause distress. Trust us to guide you on your journey towards authentic well-being.

What is EMDR therapy?

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) refers to an interactive psychotherapy technique used to relieve psychological stress. EMDR aims to reduce symptoms of trauma by changing how your memories are stored in your brain. In a nutshell, an EMDR therapist does this by leading you through a series of bilateral (side-to-side) eye movements as you recall traumatic or triggering experiences in small segments until those memories no longer cause distress. Other modes include using tapping or audio.

While originally developed to treat trauma and PTSD, EMDR may also help relieve symptoms of other mental health concerns, especially those intertwined with past trauma.

How effective is EMDR therapy?

You might feel a little skeptical of the idea that making eye movements when thinking about a traumatic experience can somehow help ease painful memories.

While experts aren’t entirely certain exactly why the approach works, some believe it’s effective because recalling distressing events may feel less emotionally upsetting when you aren’t giving those memories your full attention.

To put it another way, the bilateral stimulation (BLS) used in EMDR gives you something to focus on as you access painful memories and unwanted thoughts. This helps dim the intensity of your memory, allowing you space to process it without an overwhelming psychological response.

Which conditions can EMDR therapy treat?

EMDR is generally recommended for people living with overwhelming traumatic memories and symptoms of PTSD. You may find it particularly helpful if you have a hard time sharing the trauma you’ve experienced with others, including therapists.

To date, limited evidence supports the effectiveness of EMDR for other mental health conditions, but some mental health professionals may also recommend it to treat:



Panic Attacks

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Eating Disorders
Substance Use Disorders
Other Conditions

A 2017 systematic review trusted source of existing research suggested EMDR could potentially have benefits for people who have a history of trauma along with certain conditions, including:

• Bipolar Disorder
• Low Back pain

What to know before trying EMDR Therapy


While experts generally recognize EMDR as a safe and effective approach with few unwanted
effects, you could potentially experience a few side effects, including:

  • vivid, realistic dreams
  • heightened sensitivity to physical sensations or emotions
  • lightheadedness

EMDR can also take several sessions to work, though you could notice some improvement after your first session.


You might find the beginning of therapy triggers some emotional distress and discomfort, especially if you’re just starting to deal with traumatic events. However, since EMDR doesn’t require you to talk about the trauma at length or spend extensive time thinking about it, it may feel less overwhelming than other approaches used to treat trauma.


If you do become distressed during treatment, your therapist will help you return to the present before shifting to another traumatic memory. Remember, too, that you’ll also learn relaxation and mindfulness strategies before you get started, and these techniques can help you manage those unwanted emotions.


This icebreaker session allows you to start talking about the trauma and assess your response.

$150 per Session

6 Sessions

Don’t let trauma hinder your happiness. Dive deep into the issue and start healing.

$750/6 Sessions [Save $150]

10 Sessions

Let me guide you through the transition and trauma so that you can live a healthier and happier life.

$1000/10 Sessions [Save $500]
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